Welcome to the latest update of our website. Pages have been added for our 2023 and 2024 trips, and the pictures now reside on the website so you will not be redirected to Flickr, which I was using to host the pictures initially.
In any case, take a peek, see what you think and let us know. We are always looking for pictures that would supplement or compliment those already included. I'm looking at you ex-Vause Streeters in particular...
Highlights of revisions this time...
-The layout uses a more modern design.
-Design and display of all pages have been unified for a consistent experience. For example, slide shows all use the same graphics and display properties.
NOTE: You can click on a thumbnail to see a larger version and you can then scroll through the larger versions instead of only thumbnail-sized pictures.
-Links are included on many pages, but they have been modified to show as a link only when the mouse is hovered over the item. Less distracting.
-Links connect to sites such as Wikipedia, corporate sites, etc. providing background and/or history should you want a deeper dive.
-Added pages for our trips to NW Australia/Indonesia, the Panama Canal with other ports as well as our Alaska adventure. All photos are hosted on the site now.
-The website should automatically adjust for optimal viewing based on the device you are using to access it...."Responsive Design"
At a family party back in 2008 (I think).
I am sure we all look about the same today.....
Remember...No Good Deed Goes Unpunished, so act accordingly...