Vause Street was a special place for me and I am pretty sure the same is true for the wonderful people I met there. I stumbled in there sometime in 1979 and from the first day, it was like I was supposed to be there. Originally a group of three houses with connecting back yards and all inhabited by renters like myself. A better group of friend could not be found. We all seemed to click and bonded over many things, the least of all being a love to have a party. We all worked hard and were not afraid to party hard.
The Memorial Day galas developed into three to four or more day affairs and were attended by hundreds. Camping, concerts, bar tours and drop of the hat, impromptu barbecues with great people went on for years until we all had to kind of grow up….Sort of….
I am happy to say we are still in touch on a fairly regular basis with a few of the group, many others have moved far away and contact is limited to perhaps only a Christmas card. I know that the mere mention of “Vause Street” still brings a smile to many along with a knowing nod of the head as they remember….
I bid you all a heartfelt hello and hope that you are happy in what you are doing these days. I know I am….
I present without comment the few pictures I found and scanned. Not sure why the color is off on the second group, but there were good times going on. I do hope to find more. I am positive there has to be a bunch from the Jazz festivals up in Saratoga.....Let me know if you have any I can add.
Here is a gallery to click through....